We Don’t Let Your Hard Earned Money Go To Waste
If our assignment help is not satisfying, we are here to fix everything!
You can cancel your order within 24 hours only and
purchase an assignment of similar value, or we will make a full refund* to you. However, if
the task has already been assigned to a writer, we will not be able to make a full refund
because, and the writer must have started the research work at least and should be
compensated for the efforts.
In case of payment disputes like double charged or
additional charged, make sure to inform us right away along with sending us the additional
and original payment receipts (of the payment merchants including PayPal, western union, or
bank service) via email. We will make sure to make full refund at our earliest.
Delivering the assignments on time is our top priority but
there could be unfortunate incidents. In case of late delivery, we will make a full refund*
only if the student has not used our provided assignment and it is completely useless for
them due to submission deadline strictness. However, if the student is using our assignment,
the refund will not be made.
If the student is not satisfied with the quality of the
assignment, the first solution is to avail the revisions. However, if there is no time to
get the revisions we will make the refund. Otherwise, we will fix all the errors, and if the
paper becomes according to the requirements, the refund will not be made.
Firstly, it is impossible that we don’t deliver the
assignment at all, but if such issue arises, please contact our customer support team for
clarification. If the customer support team does not respond for two whole business days,
then we will make a full refund*.
You cannot ask for a refund if you did not get the grade
you were expecting. We promise to provide high-quality assignments, but the final grade
depends on student’s overall performance and one assignment cannot change it.
We make sure to provide good assignments and the students
can definitely not fail in the task. However, if this happens, please provide us with the
proof within the next three weeks of the submission date so that we can make a refund.
Please note:
The refund needs at least 48 hours to proceed and we request you to please be patient if the
customer support representative has already agreed to your claim.
You can make the refund claim within a month only, after that we will not facilitate
any claims from your end.
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